Employee » Retirement Information

Retirement Information

Retirement Information and TCRS

RetireReadyTN offers a wealth of resources for plan members. Call 800-922-7772 to discuss your plan details, including creditable service and benefit estimates. TCRS (Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System) members can get specific information about their TCRS plan at www.retirereadytn.gov
To get an idea of your retirement estimate, your annual statement includes a general estimate, but for a more detailed breakdown, you can request a personalized benefit estimate from TCRS.  They're available by phone or mail-in request form (details available on the TCRS website).
Once you have chosen a date and have a payment plan in mind, we suggest you file your paperwork approximately 60-90 days in advance. This will ensure TCRS has adequate time to calculate your benefit and get any additional information TCRS will need.

Check out these other resources located on the TCRS Retirement website:

The best place to begin your retirement journey is by looking at the retirement handbook!